Tattoo Related FAQs

Check it out to answer some of your queries!

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How much it hurts? Well, that depends on your pain tolerance, size and the location of your tattoo. Tends to hurt more around sensitive areas which has more nerves and less flesh. More painful areas tend to include forehead, neck, spine, ribs, hands or fingers, ankles, knees and top of feet.

TIP: The more flesh, the lesser it hurts.

PRIOR to your tattoo appointment

  • Restrict certain substances!

    At least 24-48 hours or the night before getting a tattoo, don’t drink any alcohol or caffeine. Both substances are known to thin bloods, they could lead to increased bleeding during the process and make it a lot “bloodier” than it must be.

  • Drink Up! Hydration is important!

    Stay hydrated a week before getting tattooed. Ensure drinking at least 2 liters of water daily. A hydrated body makes your skin supple and resilient to take the pressure of the needle, especially if you got a long session booked. On the Day! – ensure to eat a full meal and drink water adequately. Remember, low food intake can cause dizziness and low blood sugar and making the experience more painful.

  • No Aspirin/Ibuprofen

    Avoid taking any tablets like aspirin for 24-48 hours. This also tends to thin the blood and you can bleed easier, so unless necessary, it’s best to avoid them before your appointment.

  • Be Comfortable

    Before heading to our studio, wear comfortable clothing that is loose and breathable. Make sure the tattoo area is easily accessible. For hands or legs, sleeveless tops or shorts works best. Also, make sure your t-shirt can be easily pinned up for trickier areas like your back or mid-riff.

After your tattoo appointment, the following tips that helps you best care for it.

  • Cover it!

    Keep it extra hygienic. Once you reach home from the studio keep your tattoo covered. Remove the covering for a few hours, wash your hands and the area with anti-bacterial soap and water, then pat dry.

  • Moisturise! Moisturise!

    Apply our recommended aftercare cream per directions. Healing process takes a couple of weeks, so you need moisture and protection during those times. Remember not to overdo it.

  • Do not SOAK!

    While your tattoos need cleaning, it must not be completely immersed in water. Shower is fine but avoid bathtubs, spa, Jacuzzi and swimming pools until ALL the flakiness has stopped and is fully healed. Too much water exposure can lead to fading of your tattoo.

  • While healing, No sun exposure!

    Do not expose tattooed area for at least 3-4 weeks. It can result to blistering, redness and skin infection.

  • Wear the right clothing!

    No tight clothing for a few weeks to prevent friction.

  • Wear Sunscreen!

    After you tattoo has healed completely, do not overexpose to sunlight as it can cause the colors to fade, so invest in a quality sunscreen or SPF clothing. Also, dry skin can also cause a tattoo to look dull.

  • Do not PICK or SCRATCH!

    Never pick or scratch your tattoo as it can form scabs and flaking of the skin. Leave it alone. Once the initial flake falls off, you may experience a secondary flake known as milky skin which will last up to a week. Keep applying cream and avoid sunlight until this goes away.

How you care for your tattoo affect how it will look in the long run. Good hygiene is the only way to reduce risk for infection. It is best to see your doctor right away if you begin to experience the following:

  • Your skin is warm or tender to touch.
  • A burning sensation
  • Swelling after the first couple of days
  • A green or yellow pus
  • Foul odor
  • Am I able to “dry heal” a tattoo?

    "Dry healing” is exactly what it sounds like to allow the tattoo to heal without applying moisturiser or lotion during your aftercare routine.

    Although the practice can help reduce the risk of skin irritation or allergic reaction, the lack of moisture leaves you vulnerable to itching.

    There isn’t any research to suggest that dry healing may be beneficial than traditional tattoo aftercare.

  • Do you accept walk-ins?

    It depends; we always recommend calling us or send us a message prior as normally we are booked out.

  • Do we need to pay deposit?

    Yes, it is a must and deposit will go towards the price of the tattoo. Deposits are non-refundable. 48 hours’ notice is required to reschedule appointment and only 1 reschedule will be allowed otherwise deposit will be forfeited.

  • How much will it cost?

    Depending on the size, design intricacy and location of tattoo. Send us a message we are happy to assist. We don’t do hourly rate.

  • Can I bring a friend during my appointment?

    You are allowed to bring 1 friend on your appointment however due to the space being limited we humbly ask to limit it to only 1 guest.

  • What payment method is accepted?

    We accept payment via Bank transfer, EFTPOS (Mastercard, Visa, Debit/Credit) or Afterpay.

Call us on (02) 4321 0967 today for customised tattoo.

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